YAY!! I have a baby cupcake in my tummy :)
This was not something we planned completely, but I am very excited about this new little baby on the way. As you probably know....I have been with Matt for a around 6 months but we are still very excited to become a even bigger family!
So in 8 months me and my fiance Matt will be having a baby :)
I have never been through so many emotions in one day but i am ultimately happy and cant wait to see his or her tiny hands and feet and beautiful eyes.
Im so nervous but at least now i have something or someone to blame my mood swings poor Matt has been going out of his mind (but still showering me with love) but im sure it will all be worth it ... im sure cupcake can feel all the love mummy is feeling too :0)
What a random but lovely way to start a blog :)
love Kirsty and now cupcake too :)