Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sicky but glowy

Today baby kept me from 3am and i was shattered getting up from work but i just cant help but love you in my tummy already i hope we are going to be ok...

Im going to try and get my iron up even if it does mean throwing up every hour :(

mummy loves you x

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Missing you and feeling sick

Well ive been sick since last thursday and i haven't seen your daddy as hes been on exercise all week so ive hardly spoke to him either, and im feeling sorry for myself missing him lots.

I think its worse because ive been ill.
We have to see the midwife tomorrow to get you measured :)
also to have my bloods done again!

Cant wait to meet you tho your wriggling is what keeps me getting through the day without your dad :)
so thank you xx

Its so hard going out with your daddy sometimes with him working away all the time but so worth it because the time we spend together is beautiful!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


I made a video for your dad :)
but your in it too and i love you lots...

i hate missing your dad but he sent me some lovely flowers and we had a lovely weekend together last weekend!... i got my 2 teddies too and 1 with my flowers!
im such a lucky lady and no matter whoever tells you relationships cant work etc etc all you have to do is look at me and your dad as living proof they do x

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

25 weeks pregnant!

25 weeks pregnant and looking like a beach ball is up my top
but i love you!
The only other symptoms ive had is a little lower bck pain but your wriggling makes thigs better <3 your getting so big and strong now!