Sunday 28 October 2012

Roller at 5 months

Hello beautiful boy
Last night you did your first accident roll
It was so funny and now you keep trying to do it
Your the cutest little boy ever and you just amaze me everyday
Thank you

Monday 22 October 2012

5 months

So my little man your growing so fast and I'm loving every min
I left you for 2 hours the other night while I went to aishas wedding you didn't know because I made sure you were asleep first but god did I miss you

Your doing so much now we talk (babble) every morning and you giggle and laugh at so much I'm completely in love with you there is so much that u could write but I would rather come to bed and snuggle you up :)

Love you tons xxxx

Saturday 6 October 2012

Amazing 18lb!!

Your just over 4 months now and your getting huge!! Your 18lb now and your amazingly cute I can't get over how much I love you

We've had a busy week seeing gran going to grandads, tile shops with grandad Steve. Costa with mummy Your dad come home thurs and we have non stop argued so I've tried to get you out as much as possible so your not around it :)
I love you lots
Your still teething
You now grab my hair loads and talk to me in your own way all the time
You always smile when look at you and talk

Your amazing thank you xxxx